Saturday, September 20, 2014

Module 4 Project

1.) I thought creating the value scale and color wheel were both very enlightening assignments.  They both taught me more about shades and color than I was already aware of.  I thought creating both of the projects helped me realize how much goes into creating values of colors and shades.

2.) I enjoyed working with the paint the best.  I liked to work with the paint because this is a media that I do not use often.  I was able to play around with colors, and simply have fun while color mixing.  

3.)The most important discovery was realizing that what we all think are our primary colors is actually false.  I was unaware of the differences in a color wheel when created with cyan yellow and magenta verses the normal red blue and yellow colors.

4.) I learned from the videos how subtle one color change can make such a grand difference.  I thought the videos were extremely helpful while creating these projects step by step they allowed me to successfully complete both the color wheel, and the value scale.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with your value scale. How were you able to get the last two shades to show difference? I found that challenging. I like that you used big shapes on your color wheel. The demonstration on the video used very tiny circles and sometimes the colors were hard to make out. This is definitely not the case on your color wheel. I also agree that I did not know that cyan and magenta were real primary colors. I found the painting part of the project challenging as I have not painted since I was a child, but your demonstration is accurate and well done.
