Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hand Artwork Module 9

1.) Using my hand as the subject matter for this project was fun.  I was able to look at my hand in much greater detail than usual.  I see my hands everyday so to really have to focus on them for a long period of time was interesting.

2.) I chose to do this project using pencil.  I simply chose this media because it was the easiest available to me and I also wasn't sure how great I would do with holding the charcoal in my left hand when it came to drawing then.

3.) Creating this drawing with my non dominant hand, my left, was extremely difficult.  It almost hurt to do this.  I was not used to this feeling at all and was incredibly impaired while trying to create the image of my right hand.  it was comical for those watching at the very least.  

4.) I believe both of these hand drawings are subpar.  They both are done okay but could be better.  It is obvious with which hand I completed each drawing and I wish it weren't.  The drawings came out well enough to tell it was a hand however!

5.) The only reason I would consider using my left hand to create art in the future would be to strengthen my skills and put me out of my comfort zone.  If I was looking for quality artwork, though, I would most definitely not use my left hand!

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